It's Not Just a Place, It's a Lifestyle

Want to be the first to discover it?

Discover the best-kept secret of La Paz:
a place where the sea and luxury meet.

The development you’ve been waiting for, closer than you think. Tenerife, where every sunrise brings a new experience.

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First Floor

Second Floor


Platino Plus 3

First Floor

Second Floor

Comprometidos en ofrecer

no solo una vivienda de calidad sino un concepto habitacional de primer nivel

Are you ready to discover it?

Coming soon to La Paz… A lifestyle that redefines comfort and relaxation.

The Best Amenities

Something incredible is about to happen by the sea.
An exclusive space with dream-like amenities.
Tenerife, coming soon.

Leave your details, and an agent will get in touch to provide more information.

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